Blue Hole Primary School
Wimberley, TX
Wimberley ISD
Wimberly, TX
Year of Completion:
45 acres
O’Connell Robertson, Datum Engineers, Doucet & Associates, Combs Consulting, Counihan & Associates
studio 16:19 was able to utilize captured rainwater and greywater as a learning tool for the students in the school to better understand and appreciate the surrounding environmentally-sensitive region.
Blue Hole Primary School provides a unique and environmentally sensitive learning atmosphere for area students. This is the first school in the state to utilize a “One Water” system that fully integrates inside and out of the school envelope to collect rainwater to be used for landscape irrigation, as well as other functions such as flushing toilets. studio 16:19 provided landscape architectural and irrigation design plans for the campus including the rainwater collection system and rain gardens using native plantings.